Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stepen Sampson

My Avatar's name is Steve Kweller.  

I changed a few things about my appearance, I changed my hair color, hair length, eye color, nose and mouth.  I guess I wanted to make it look as much like myself as possible.  Since I have the characteristics I inputted, I thought it would look more like me.  

I did not have any major challenges with Second Life.  The only problem was when I was in the UWM world and was not able to click on the logo to review the rules.  I am on a Mac, I don't know if that makes a difference, but that was the only challenge that I ran into.  

My first impression of Second Life was that it reminded me of the SIMS.  I guess I still have a hard time comprehending the reason for living a different representation of oneself online.   Maybe I am reading to much into it.  I will curb my skepticism and pursue the fun aspects of it though!

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