Sunday, May 11, 2008

Implementing Second Life in Organizations

Implementing Second Life in Organizations
By: Angela Becerra-Chvilicek, Lindsey Luckow, Erica Michels, & Steve Sampson
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Task 6:Technology has become a tool that we all use in everyday life. It is becoming increasingly clear that technology can change the way we structure work and design organizations (Miller, 2006). With this in mind, many organizations are implementing technologies such as Second Life to change the way employees learn and work. Technological tools such as Second Life alter work conditions because they allow the organization to create virtual teams, offer virtual services, and allow virtual meetings and training. The most popular reason organizations are implementing Second Life is so members can communicate and learn on a virtual level. These technologies allow asynchronous communication even when members are at great distances, therefore, it is often not necessary for people working together to be in the same place (Miller, 2006). Since virtual worlds are flexible, organizations both large and small are benefiting from these technological advances in many ways.

Industry analysts and developers of virtual worlds believe that by immersing users in an interactive environment which allows social encounters, virtual worlds have the potential to succeed where other collaborative technologies have failed (Weil, 2008). This is why the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee could benefit greatly from implementing Second Life. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) currently has many virtual implementations such as online classes and online training sessions. However, they do not have any tools quite as interactive as Second Life. Second Life is supposed to resemble human interaction; therefore, anything goes (Weil, 2008). This “anything goes” mentality would fit perfectly with UWM’s “thinking outside the box” approach to learning and teaching.

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee should put Second Life into practice and give all professors training on how to use this form of a virtual world to educate students. Once in place the possibilities could be endless. By using Second Life, students could attend lectures, participate in group study sessions, take part in debates, complete exams, and give presentations. It is clear that by implementing Second Life, UWM and its students would gain many benefits.

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee would profit because they would have the competitive edge over other area colleges who are not using a virtual world like Second Life. UWM would also be able to attract more students from all across the world, because the students would have the availability to take classes at UWM and interact with their virtual classmates with out leaving the comforts of their own home. Students would also benefit from the implementation of Second Life for the same reasons as well as having the opportunity to closely interact with fellow students even when they are not present on campus.

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee could create a world in Second Life that is very similar to the actual campus. The Second Life campus could include a library, student union, health center, workout and exercise center, classrooms and lecture halls, writing centers, dormitories and computer labs. Having a virtual world that closely models the actual campus would allow students to feel more connected when taking online classes. Currently UWM has great opportunities for students who want to take classes online, but by implementing Second Life students who are geographically dispersed could enjoy an experience much more similar to an experience of a student who is actually on the UWM campus. This in return, would also increase the size of the student enrollment and profits for the school.

By implementing Second Life, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee would give them a competitive edge. At the same time, they are allowing students to get the most from their college experience. Virtual worlds give users increased flexibility (Miller, 2006). This increased flexibility will enhance the lives of college students who are continually looking for ways to make their education more flexible as they juggle school, work and their social lives.

There are many reasons an organization and its members would choose to implement a virtual world. Several of these reasons are based on social information and objective media characteristics. To get together as a group, we have moved from formal meeting rooms, to conference calls, to video conferencing, to computer conferencing to online chat rooms (Miller, 2006). This progression shows that organizations are using virtual worlds to create a new form of communication. Organizations can use virtual worlds to meet their company’s social and objective needs.

One of the social reasons organizations are implementing virtual worlds is due to the ease of communication. Many organizations are now using virtual worlds to communicate with other organizations that are in different locations. These locations can be neighboring cities, or different countries, which is another benefit from implementing virtual worlds. Computer-mediated communication is a key component of the emerging technology of computer networks (Kiesler, et al, 1984). In these networks, people can exchange, store, edit, broadcast, and copy any written document. They can also send messages instantaneously for minimal cost (Kiesler, et al, 1984). By using these benefits of computer-mediated communication, organizations can create virtual worlds for work projects or meetings. These teams can work twice as hard on a project by bringing many people together. Tasks worked on together may be complicated, but more brains can equal quality information which will help organizations succeed.

Virtual teams work best because of the global nature of marketplaces. In this field, there is the necessity to get projects done as quickly as possible in order to receive new projects in other global markets. In order to accomplish this, organizations must be able to tap into the best brains for those projects (Gerber, 1996). Different people in different areas have a variety of thoughts and information. Many people feel it is important to meet face-to-face before working together over computers or other technologies because they can get to know a person better this way. Face-to-face communication is sometimes not as easy as it seems because many organizations are located around the world, thousands of miles apart. By using virtual worlds, they can create a “face-to-face” type of communication without actually meeting. In addition, building trust in an organization is the key to success. Virtual communications give the “real life appeal” that can bring people together to meet their communication needs and to help them build trust among their group members. New members can be added into virtual teams easily as long as information is kept in a shared database (Geber, 1995). Team leaders, also known as virtual managers, are also important attributes to virtual teams. Additionally, it is important that there is a virtual facilitator that monitors and helps conflicts and other arising situations (Geber, 1995).

As previously shown, there are many factors that should be considered when implementing a virtual world. The most important task to be performed is that both the individuals and organizations involved need to make sure that they have looked at the advantages and disadvantages of virtual worlds to determine if it is the best form of computer-mediated technology to use for the project or projects. Once a decision has been made, the organization and the employees must rely on the necessary tools available to them in order to make the virtual world a success in the workplace. This will help eliminate conflicts and ensure overall group success.

In order to insure success of a virtual world in a company, the organization needs to make sure they are doing their part. First of all, the organization needs to do research on what type of virtual world will suite their needs. For example, Second Life may be a great solution for Manpower or IBM, but not for other organizations like Apple. Also, by doing research, an organization can decide if they want to allow other members or the public to have access to their site, or if they want it to remain private to company employees. By setting security measures in place, organizations can eliminate outside distractions (Miller, 2006). Another contributing factor that the organization must provide is the funding. Access to a virtual world can become expensive. Organizations must provide computers, Internet access, and software to all of its team members.

In addition to providing funding, organizations must set the standards for the group and the employees that are hired to participate in the virtual teams (Geber, 1995). First, the company must decide if the virtual members will ever meet face-to-face or if all communication would be conducted online. Geber (1995) suggests that in order for a virtual team to be successful in any form of computer-mediated technology, organizations should conduct team building sessions both online and face-to-face. Formal team building sessions will help team members get caught up on what may be going on or help to resolve any conflicts that may arise. Informal face-to-face meetings (i.e. work parties) will help group members to get to know each other better and help them to build trust with one another (Geber, 1995). Second, organizations need to establish group leaders of the virtual world in order to maintain high levels of performance. Next, companies need to make sure that they choose group members carefully (Geber, 1995). For instance, the team members should be comfortable with computers, the software, virtual worlds and sharing information over the computer. Furthermore, team members should possess strong personalities and have the ability to assert themselves. Finally, organizations should decide on whether or not to use a group decision support system which is a tool that can help team members in making decisions in order to reduce group conflict (Miller, 2006).

The organization, however, is not the only contributing factor in implementation of a virtual world. The individuals involved are also just as important. When an employee is considering being part of a virtual team in a virtual world, they must weigh many options. First of all, an individual must determine if they will provide some of the financial weight of being part of a virtual team or if the organization will carry all of it (i.e. Internet access fees). Another important decision the individual must make is whether or not they think they have the technological knowledge to become a successful team member. For example, are they familiar with the all the tools being used to implement the virtual worlds? If not, are they willing to take the time to gain the knowledge an experience that they need? Finally, they must determine if they are comfortable with the other employees and the communication systems that are being utilized.

Other factors that individuals need to consider are more personal. For example, individuals need to make sure that they are completely committed to the mission of the team and are goal-orientated in order to help the group become successful (Geber, 1995). Also, there are certain personality types that perform better in virtual teams than others. Research has shown that individuals that are considered introverts, who are shy, thrive on this type of communication where extroverts reject this from of communication (Geber, 1995). Therefore, individuals should consider if their personality will match the form of communication taking place in virtual worlds. One other important aspect that individuals should consider when entering teams in virtual worlds is their beliefs about this type of technology (Miller, 2006). For example, if they have a negative attitude toward virtual worlds, they may perform at lower levels. On the other hand, if they have a vibrant, positive attitude, it will help them and the group perform at high levels and ensure success.

As demonstrated, there are many factors involved in the decision to implement a virtual world in an organization. It is not an easy decision. The company must decide if it is the best thing for the organization and individuals need to decide if it is the best thing for them. Both parties need to be strong and committed in order to ensure the success of the virtual team and virtual world.

Task 7: There are also many other factors to consider when it comes to virtual worlds. The societal implications of virtual worlds in modern communication are ones to be examined thoroughly, because it is a new form of technology. The instantaneous working domain of the Internet makes programs such as Second Life a prominent solution for people and businesses to bridge the gaps caused by geography. “The web is a primarily visual interface and so it is important to consider how visual information is processed, manipulated and interpreted” (Ranjani & Rosenberg, 1999). This idea of how the web is used demonstrates how the implementation of virtual worlds has allowed for that specific communicative form to prosper because it is a visual communication phenomenon.

Ranjani and Rosenberg (1999) suggest that there is not one interface of a virtual world that fits general communication. It is not possible due to the fact of the various characteristics and conditions. Difficulties may arise because of slow download time, incompatibility of browsers, machines and software, inexperienced user abilities and many more (Ranjani & Rosenberg, 1999). The various degrees of knowledge and ability cause inconsistency from one user to another, makes it very difficult for a medium such as virtual worlds to be fully embraced by society.

Ranjani and Rosenberg (1999) also found, when looking at the way in which internet users surf the internet for information that most users searched for specific information that they desired. Instead of researching more extensively to find out more, users simply left the site instantly after the information they needed had been acquired. This is one of the problems that arise with the use of virtual worlds in society—users find what they need in the virtual world and leave. This eliminates further interaction that may have existed in a face-to-face scenario undeveloped. Once again, this demonstrates the problematic scenario when addressing virtual worlds. The instant gratification of information the internet is known for, is also expected when utilizing virtual worlds as means of communication. Once a user has gotten the information desired, the likelihood of them sticking around to see how the rest of the communication will progress is unlikely.

The implementation of virtual worlds for business and education could further perpetuate the “digital divide” that analysts have found to be present in today’s society. Since modern communicative technologies are becoming more and more prominent in society, there is still a universal fear that those who are unable to access the Internet, or are uninterested in accessing the internet, will fall out of touch with the world of communication. If communication continues to advance and these prominent computer-mediated forms of communication become a staple of the business world, those left in the dust will be unable to recover. So with the implementation of technologies such as virtual worlds as a staple in communication, the divide will continue and be further perpetuated in not only the society of business, but also in personal communication and interaction as well.

Virtual worlds provide many new ways for people and businesses to interact, however, with many new forms of technologies, it has its drawbacks. Since the internet is so instantaneous, users are not as likely to finish interactions further than what is initially required. Forms of communication such as virtual worlds can further perpetuate the problematic existence of the “digital divide.” The societal implications of virtual worlds are similar to the introduction of cell phones in the twentieth century. At first, they were not considered to be necessary, yet, now they are like an extra bodily appendage. Just like any other new technology, once the communicative world adjusts, the necessity is solidified with time.

Technology has come a long way over the years. One technological advancement that is still growing is the use of virtual worlds like Second Life. Organizations like UWM can benefit from virtual worlds for several reasons. As shown, virtual worlds can help increase the overall learning experience and student attendance by allowing students the flexibility and “real life experience” of a college campus. There are many reasons why an organization should choose to implement a virtual world like Second Life. One is because it allows for quick, efficient communication across states, countries and time spans. Another reason is to keep up with the growing global markets. What ever the reason may be, these organizations and its members need to take certain considerations into mind when deciding if a virtual world is the right choice for their company or school. In order for a virtual world to be successful, organizations must make sure that this form of communication is the best for the task and that its users have all the necessities to implement the virtual world such as Internet access and software. Some people still frown on new computer-mediated technologies like virtual worlds because it is a contributing factor to the digital divide. But, we believe just like the invention of the television, computer and cell phone, people will learn to make them a part of their everyday lives. Before we know it, virtual worlds will be another piece of equipment that we can not live without in our daily lives.

Geber, B. (1995). Virtual Teams. Training, 32 (4), 36-40.
Miller, K. (2006) Organizational communication: Approached and process (4th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Rajani, R. & Rosenberg, D. (1999). Usable? Or not? Factors affecting the usability of web sites.
CMC Magazine (January).
Weil, N. (2008). Virtual worlds. CIO 21. ABI Form.

Visiting Another University's Island

Our group decided that implementing U.W.M into a virtual world was a great idea. So, Lu and I wanted to check out some other university islands. Here we are in a lecture room on the University of Sussex Island.
It was amazing how much this campus resembled an actual campus. There were libraries, lecture halls, computer labs and a student union!

Good Place To Mingle...UWM Island

Here Lu is reading some material posted on UWM island. Lu has enjoyed the time she has spent on UWM island, because she has been able to chat with a few different classmates. Just one of the many joys of a virtual world!

Visiting The UWM Island

Despite the fact that it is still a little dark outside Lu is exploring the UWM island.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Second Life: A World of Virtual Communication

Second Life: A World of Virtual Communication
By: Angela Becerra-Chvilicek, Lindsey Luckow, Erica Michels, & Steve Sampson
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Second Life: A World of Virtual Communication

Task 4: Twenty years ago, no one could have ever imagined that face-to-face communication would be reduced because of new technological advances. Well, the time has come and soon face-to-face communication will be the old-fashioned form of communication. The new computer-mediated forms of communication are known as Web 2.0 technologies. One of the growing trends in these technological advances is virtual worlds. Virtual worlds are communities in which participants can create identities known as avatars to explore different areas (worlds) and communicate with others. One common virtual world in today’s society is Second Life. Second Life is just one of the many advances in the new age of communication. This virtual world contains many media characteristics that make it a proven successful form of communication. The implementation of Second Life and other virtual worlds have improved communication among not only family and friends but also in many organizations. Second Life has improved the quality of not only communication but also work environments.

There are many media characteristics of Second Life that make it both popular and successful. One type of characteristic that is portrayed in this virtual world is Social Presence. Social Presence is best described as the quality of a medium itself (Short, Williams & Christie, 1976). Second Life, in terms of personal use can adhere to a high degree of Social Presence depending on the purpose fore each individual user. The interaction can only be as personal as the user allows it to be. Short et al (1976) described that a media with a high degree of Social Presence containing characteristics of warmth, sensitivity, sociability, and intimacy. Second Life has the potential to perform at this degree of Social Presence if the participants allow for an open, friendly form of communication. However, in businesses, the Social Presence may be at a lower degree. No matter what level of degree is present, Social Presence is still a defining media characteristic of Second Life.

Another media characteristic of Second Life is it is an example of hyperpersonal communication which is a very modern type of media characteristic. As face-to-face communication has become less of a necessity in personal and business interactions, people have turned to an alternative type of communication, which is hyperpersonal communication. Hyperpersonal communication can be described as a form of communication that takes place in computer-mediated technologies that is more desirable than face-to-face communication because of its social aspect (Walther, 1996). This modern media phenomenon allows participants to feel more comfortable to express their ideas with out the pressure of having “all eyes on you.” Second Life eases social pressures by allowing participants to create an alternative identity. This eliminates the pressure of issues like social appearance that are found in face-to-face communication and opens the door for individuals to focus on the aspect of the conversation or the task at hand.

One final media characteristic of Second Life is that it reduces the amount nonverbal cues. Many people would think that this is a negative characteristic, but they are mistaken. Nonverbal cues may be helpful in face-to-face communication, but they can delay outcomes in virtual communication tasks. Short et al (1976) suggests that in order for a media, such as Second Life to be successful, removing nonverbal cues is necessary for a more efficient outcome. For instance, if Second Life is being used for business purposes, people focusing on things like physical appearance, voice tone, and facial cues can be a distraction and cause a delay in completing a task. If nonverbal cues are reduced, just as they are in Second Life, more time can be devoted on just the particular task, and in return it produces a more efficient outcome.
Each form of computer-mediated technology has its own characteristics. Some of these characteristics are similar to one another and some are very different. A common form of Web 2.0 technologies that is similar to Second Life is Instant Messaging (IM). These mediated forms of technology are related in to each other in many ways. In this section, we will compare the media characteristics of Instant Messaging and Second Life.

In order to compare these two types of technology, it is important to first give a description of both of them. First, let us begin with Instant Messaging (IM). Instant Messaging is a form of chat technologies over a network. It is usually between two or more people. One of the characteristics that make IM so unique is that the communication between others is instantaneous. Basically, it allows immediate communication between two or more individuals, usually online (Miller, 2006). Although conversations are usually erased once participants logoff, it is still possible to save any discussions for further use. Second Life on the other hand, as stated before, is a type of virtual world. Just like all virtual worlds, Second Life allows its participants to create an avatar to represent their identity. Second Life, like to IM is also conducted online.
Instant Messaging and Second Life have many similar media characteristics. First, both types of technologies can vary in Social Presence. Social Presence varies depending on the way participants interact (Short, Williams, & Christie, 1976). Both types of medias can have a high level of Social Presence or a low level of Social Presence. In the case of IM for example, if it is used in friend-to-friend networks, and they have a high regard for this method of communication, then most likely they will exchange detailed information about their lives. On the other hand for business, the interaction may be limited to only business related topics; therefore there is a low degree of Social Presence. The same can be applied to Second Life. If the virtual world is a site that based on friend relationships, there will be a high Social Presence. If it is based on a business or an anonymous type of communication, there will be a lower degree of Social Presence.

Another similarity for IM and Second Life is that they both use hyperpersonal communication. For example, although the communication takes place over a computer, people feel more comfortable to talk to each other and be open because there is the elimination of social pressure that many people experience when they communicate face-to-face (Walther, 1996). For instance, you may speak your mind a little more over IM or in Second Life, because you do not fear the confrontation. Also, in Second Life you have the advantage of disguising your identity with your avatar, which can make people feel more comfortable with expressing comments or emotions.

Finally, these two medias are similar because you can “chat” with people instantly in both forms of communications. The communication between friends or groups is an instant process that takes place between networks. Both types of technology allow friend-to-friend networks or group access that entitles this type of communication. Rather than waiting for someone to respond to an e-mail or return a phone call hours later, both of these tools allows for a more rapid form of communication between participants which can be a time saver in the future.
After comparing Second Life to Instant Messaging, we have found that there are many advantages of a virtual world that IM lacks. First, virtual worlds like Second Life allow you to communicate with more of a diverse group of individuals that you may not experience in Instant Messaging. Most of the time you only IM someone you know. In Second Life, however, you can visit many places or talk to strangers on any topic of discussion. Typically, these people are not your relatives, friends, or colleagues, but other individuals that are enjoying the same type of activity. Another advantage of Second Life is it is more entertaining than IM. It is almost like a game, where you can take on a whole new identity and explore unlimited possibilities. Unlike, IM virtual worlds contain more than just words. Virtual worlds allow for people to use their imaginations and creativity. It is hard to be creative when you are just sending messages back and forth to others. Second Life helps people to escape the normal routines of communication and explore other options.

Although there are many advantages to Second Life compared to Instant Messaging, there are also some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages of Second Life is that it can only be carried out through the Internet. Instant Messaging, on the other hand, can be carried out on programs that actually predate the Internet (Miller, 2006). This can allow for a more intimate communication among selected participants. Another disadvantage of Second Life is that it does not always allow for a quick response. Instant messaging is an instantaneous tool in which all members are participating at the same time. In Second Life on the other hand, if the person you want to talk to is not in the same world, or logged on, it makes it impossible to retrieve an instant response. Finally, IM is a more business friendly form of communication. It is the more popular tool rather than creating a disguise to associate with your business partners. Although Second Life is used for some organizations, many of them still prefer a tool like Instant Messaging to conduct business meetings.

Task 5: On the contrary, however, there are many organizations around the country implementing Second Life as a way to communicate, collaborate, and stay in touch with business partners as well as friends. As organizations continue to move away from the once popular “brick and mortar” establishments we will see virtual worlds like Second Life continue to grow in popularity. In today’s organizational world there is no doubt that virtual work is on the rise, in 2001, 19 million workers were engaged in virtual work and that number is only expected to grow (Miller, 2006). The reasons organizations are moving away from the traditional ways of doing business has to do with reduced real estate expenses, access to global markets, and environmental benefits, as well as the possibility of increased productivity, improved customer service, and enhanced profits (Miller, 2006). Organizations like IBM, Manpower and educational institutions are implementing Second Life in an effort to become more efficient.

IBM has decided to implement Second Life as a way for their employees and users to stay in touch. IBM feels that Second Life will allow employees and users a better opportunity to collaborate as a team allowing them to share ideas more efficiently. IBM enjoys the fact that Second Life users have a sense of “being there” when actually physical presence isn’t practical and/or desirable. Looking at all the positive aspects Second Life brings IBM it is easy to see why it is an implementation they are proud to have put into place.

Manpower is another organization that has incorporated Second Life into its organizational structure. Manpower uses Second Life as a way of bringing people and jobs together. Since Second Life has many organizations and employees of its own it needs an organization such as Manpower to help recruit and staff the open positions. Manpower recognizes that the demand for people to work in virtual jobs will continue to rise as the percentage of available talent within the workforce continues to decrease. Workers participating in the virtual world have increased flexibility allowing them to work in more than one virtual facility at a time (Miller, 2006). Manpower is taking advantage of this increased flexibility by placing workers in available positions in Second Life. Manpower is placing virtual employees in all types of positions through out Second Life. Manpower and other recruiting firms are continuously looking for land and structure developers, clothes and tattoo designers, and mangers to run nightclubs and supermarkets. As Second Life continues to grow so will the need for qualified employees, which is sure to give Manpower the upper hand in the virtual world.

Companies like IBM and Manpower aren’t the only organizations implementing Second Life. Educational institutions are also incorporating virtual worlds such as Second Life. Since traditional lectures do little for today’s generation virtual educational worlds are quickly growing in popularity. Today’s generation enjoy learning in Second Life, because it provides a unique setting that is completely different to the classroom. Second Life allows instructors to hold online lectures and discussion sections. Since Second Life is so interactive students are still able to ask questions and participate in group discussions just like they would do in a traditional classroom setting. Virtual learning can take students inside the human body one day for an anatomy lesson and then inside a computer the next for a technology lesson, this allows instructors to give students a wide range of exposure without the cost of actually taking the student there. Second Life even allows instructors to implement PowerPoint slides into lecture giving the students a feeling like they are in a real “brick and mortar” classroom.

Many people continue to discover that it is not necessary for people that work or learn together to be in the same location. In the near future, virtual worlds will be used by many organizations across the world. Virtual worlds are bringing many advantages to organizations. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before all organizations implement a virtual world such as Second Life to become more successful.

There are many tools that are taking the place of face-to-face communication. Virtual worlds, such as Second Life have proven to be efficient forms of communication. The characteristics that help Second Life become a popular form of communication are its various levels of Social Presence, its alternative hyperpersonal qualities, and the fact that it reduces unnecessary nonverbal cues. Because Second Life varies from other Web 2.0 technologies, individuals and organizations have the option of choosing this virtual world because it fits into their needs of a competent form of communication. Every form of communication has weaknesses and every form of communication also has its strengths. As the world continues to change, we have found that computer-mediated technological advances make life easier when it comes to communicating with others. Therefore, Second Life is among the many tools that will grow to establish a better form of communication in our personal lives and in organizations all around the world.


Daft, R., & Lengel. R. (1986). Organizational information requirements, media richness and structural design. Management Science,32, 554- 571.

Miller, K. (2006) Organizational communication: Approached and process (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Short, J., Williams, E., & Christie, B. (1976). Social psychological aspects of computer mediated communication. American Psychologist, 39, 330-347.

Walther, J. (1996). Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyper-personal interaction. Communication Research, 23, 3-43. April 23, 2008. April 23, 2008.

A Trip to Manpower

This is Eva taking a look at the Manpower HQ in Second Life

Kisses From A Parrot

Here Lu is interacting with a Parrot. Lu got lucky and received a kiss from the Parrot. It was cute the Parrot would repeat some of the things that Lu said, but it was would only give one kiss per person. The avatar on the left was coming back for her second kiss and the Parrot told her, "I'm not dumb, I've already kissed you!"

Visiting Another Orientation Island

Here Lu is interacting with fellow avatars on another Orientation Island. This was Lu's first experience with an animal looking avatar.

Lu enjoyed the scenery at this island. The trees and the rolling hills were absolutely beautiful!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Angela Becerra-Chvilicek


Just for kicks Eva and I tried to go to the Manpower virtual world today, it works you can get on there. There is a lot of stuff to look at. You guys should try it. I tried to get on IBM, but it says we do not have access to it. Just wanted to let you guys know since we are writing our paper on it.

Angela Becerra-Chvilicek

Hi everyone,

Today Eva and I did a little exploring, I tried some orientation islands. By the way there are a ton of them! Other than that I am still just working on navigating around everywhere. Talk to you guys later.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Touring Second Life

Hi Everyone!

Today Lu and I did a little site seeing in Second Life. We visited a really neat island, Jade's Jazz Island. Jade's Jazz island had some really fun upbeat music and some really fun dances we could try out.

Here is a picture of Lu looking at the stage on Jade's Jazz island!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Second Life

My Avatars name is - Erica Sassower

I picked "The Girl next door" for my main character, I changed her clothing style, height, a some facial characteristics so she could resemble myself more.

Second life also reminded me of The Sims game, both take a lot of time and useage to figure out how to use them. I had trouble walking my character, she kept running into walls.

My first impression of Second life was bad, because someone tried talking to me, and wrote me some very inappropriate things when I told them I just signed onto Second life for a school project. It made me not walk to talk to people anymore!

Stepen Sampson

My Avatar's name is Steve Kweller.  

I changed a few things about my appearance, I changed my hair color, hair length, eye color, nose and mouth.  I guess I wanted to make it look as much like myself as possible.  Since I have the characteristics I inputted, I thought it would look more like me.  

I did not have any major challenges with Second Life.  The only problem was when I was in the UWM world and was not able to click on the logo to review the rules.  I am on a Mac, I don't know if that makes a difference, but that was the only challenge that I ran into.  

My first impression of Second Life was that it reminded me of the SIMS.  I guess I still have a hard time comprehending the reason for living a different representation of oneself online.   Maybe I am reading to much into it.  I will curb my skepticism and pursue the fun aspects of it though!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Angela Becerra-Chvilicek

My avatar's name is Eva Kips.

I changed a lot of things about my appearance such as skin tone, eyes, body shape, clothes and shoes. I change these things because I thought it was fun.

Some of the challenges that I had with Second Life, was learning how to teleport back and forth to other locations.

My first impression of Second Life was that it was a little difficult, but fun at the same time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lindsey Luckow

1. Avatar Name: Lu Philipp

2. What I Changed About My Appearance: I gave Lu a skirt, because I wanted her to have a fun care-free appearance.

3.) Challenges in getting oriented to Second Life: I am still confused as to why people actually use this site? At first I had trouble moving around the screen, but now I'm doing a little better.

4.) My first impression of Second Life: I think Second Life could be a lot of fun!